702 078 650
5:00 – 22:00


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República Checa

provincia Pardubice
código postal 569 82
Borová u Poličky

Métodos de pago

Efectivo Pago con tarjeta

Otros servicios

AdBlue Tienda Estacionamiento

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Combustible Precio
A95 38,49 CZK/l -0,50
Дизелово гориво Diesel 35,49 CZK/l -0,50
Газ Пропан Бутан LPG 16,59 CZK/l

precios actualizados en 10.05.2024г. 11:18

Šárka Fučiková
Google Places© на 12.02.2022

The lowest fuel price in the area

Jiří Dvořák
Google Places© на 02.11.2021

The cheapest gasoline at this time. From Polička those 10 km you can take a trip when I know that I will refuel 35 CZK / l

Lenka Tomášková
Google Places© на 09.08.2021

I forgot at the gas station on 30.7. on the toilet wallet with money and all documents. The lady who served that day called the police in my place of residence and they contacted me. In the end, she willingly sent her wallet by mail! Thank you very much, it's nice to know that honest people are still ?When I visited the pump, this lady was very nice and helpful ..

William Sechi
Google Places© на 08.12.2020


Martin Vodehnal
Google Places© на 27.02.2019


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